2016.11.22 Open conference of the project Erasmus+ CBHE technology in rehabilitation (TechReh) in Uzbekistan

Open conference of the project Erasmus+ CBHE technology in rehabilitation (TechReh) in Uzbekistan

In the period 15-19 November 2016 in Uzbekistan was held the open conference of the EU project Erasmus+ CBHE TechReh. Open conference included several events in two cities – Tashkent and Nukus. In the same the conference included two scientific-practical seminars in Tashkent, a meeting of the consortium to discuss project management, one of the workshop and dissemination of the preliminary results of the project in Nukus.

On the November 15, 2016 in Tashkent arrived all the European partners and all the Uzbek project partners. On the basis of one of the local partners, namely the Republican Specialized Scientific Centre of Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation was held a scientific-practical seminar on modern trends in the development of technological systems of medical rehabilitation in the EU countries.

Further information are available at: http://old.tashpmi.uz/en/eu_edu_projects/erasmus_plus_techreh/385