2020.06.04 - Information about Master courses and laboratory "Computer systems in medicine" at TUIT

Our Colleagues from TUIT highlights the TUIT webpage of the Computer systems Department with the information about project TechReh, laboratory and opening a Master's degree in the direction "Computer systems in Medicine".
In the webpage are also available a link to the letter of TUIT Rector and the Decree of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan.
The webpage is available at the following link:


Master courses and laboratory "Computer systems in medicine"

The new laboratory "Сomputer systems in medicine" in 27th of December 2017 was opened, as part of the project TechReh(https://tuit.uz/en/post/techreherasmus). The main objective of the TechReh project is to define a learning environment to deliver more opportunities to access new competences related to the rehabilitation activities and jobs. These new competences refer in particular to the use of advanced ICT solutions for the rehabilitation that may go a long way towards the goals and priorities in terms of optimization of the healthcare organizations network and development of ICT, that have already been stated in the Welfare Improvement Strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2013-2015(http://www.techreh.uz/).


One of the important result of implementation of the project TechReh was opening of the master's program at Computer systems department of TUIT in 2018 (letter of the TUIT rector dated 07.07.2018) and students started their studies in the master courses from September 2, 2018. In june 17, 2019 with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan №ПК-4359 admission of 3 students on a grant basis in the direction "Computer systems in medicine" was approved(https://lex.uz/pdfs/4380360).