2018.12.05 The Final Conference of Erasmus+ CBHE Technology in Rehabilitation (TechReh) was held in the Innovation center of Tashkent pediatric medical institute

The Final Conference of Erasmus+ CBHE Technology in Rehabilitation (TechReh) was held in the Innovation center of Tashkent pediatric medical institute


The Final Conference of the Erasmus+ project TechReh was held on December 5th of 2018 in TashPMI. Representatives of Sannio university (Italy), Sorbonna university (France), Vilnius university (Lithuania), the Republican specialized scientific and practical medical center of therapy and rehabilitation, Tashkent university of information technologies and Tashkent pediatric medical institute took part in the conference.  

further information are available here: http://old.tashpmi.uz/en/eu_edu_projects/erasmus_plus_techreh/933